Mount Gambier Greyhound Racing Club

Tara Raceway, Lake Terrace East, Mount Gambier, SA

Major Sponsors

Cadillac Racing Sponsors of Mount Gambier Greyhound Racing

The final update

After more than 11 years with Greyhound Racing SA, CEO Matt Corby’s recent final update to stakeholders really summed up what greyhound racing is all about. For those who missed it, this is part of his farewell message.

“It’s my most sincere hope that the sport in SA will continue to flourish and that the foundation we’ve built together in this state will readily sustain a new generation of trainers, breeders and owners.

“Despite the fact that I would occasionally suggest racing shuns change, our own stakeholders have arguably tolerated more change (pound for pound) than any other racing jurisdiction in recent years. And have done so resiliently and uncomplainingly . . . for the most part.

“After more than 20 years of standing with connections, on and around the dais at the exact moment when all of their hard work has paid off and the trophy is theirs, I can truthfully say that the infectious nature of their joy and relief has never worn off.

“For many trainers, breeders and owners, a lifetime’s dedication is largely vindicated by the experience of one champion dog having crossed their path, allowing them to stand on top of the world for a fleeting moment.

“Some never quite climb the mountain, making their persistence and unshakeable optimism all the more commendable.

“Whatever the outcome, I wish nothing but prosperity for all those who ‘put on the show’.”

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