Mount Gambier Greyhound Racing Club

Tara Raceway, Lake Terrace East, Mount Gambier, SA

Major Sponsors

Cadillac Racing Sponsors of Mount Gambier Greyhound Racing

Reflecting on an interesting year

Mount Gambier Greyhound Racing Club president Noel Perry, addressing members at yesterday’s Annual General Meeting at Tara Raceway, reflected on an interesting year, pointing out that the club had been able to keep racing and achieve some good outcomes.

“Certainly the canine virus outbreak and then the onset of Covid-19 which led to border closures tested our resilience,” he said.

“But for all that, the canteen upgrade is now nearing completion, we’ve purchased a new cleaning machine for the kennel house and new trial timing mechanism has been installed at the track.”

Perry also pointed out that the committee had worked hard to reverse the closure of the on-course TAB and also the track itself which appeared likely to shut down until such time as the borders re-opened.

“We also were able to run the Bourne Kennels Mount Gambier Cup which had been threatened with cancellation. Long-running feature events also continued their unbroken runs at Tara Raceway.

“In a bid to boost race numbers we gained approval to run two 277 m races a week. This distance has now been increased to 305 m, Adelaide trainer Tony Rasmussen donating $1000 for a heats and final feature over the new distance.”

Also, Victorian trainer Michael Niele had donated $1000 for the running of the Michelle Niele Iron Dog.

Perry also reminded participants that the monthly checking of greyhounds at Tara Raceway by Craig Finlayson would commence on Tuesday, January 26.

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